Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Play Attention (ADD / ADHD)

What Is Play Attention?

The Play Attention Learning System is a patented advance of technology NASA astronauts and U.S. Air Force pilots use to stay attentive in the cockpit. Now you can use this same technology in your home and Use Your Head® to overcome attention, concentration and focus issues.

The system begins with a sensor-lined helmet that resembles one used for bicycling.The sensors monitor the user's attentive state and cognitive, or thinking process, which is fed into a small interface system that attaches to your computer.

Users complete a series of video game-like exercises that are controlled by the mind alone.They can see and hear real-time feedback of how they're progressing in focusing, finishing tasks, increasing memory, and filtering out distractions. This is called Edufeedback.

Feedback is continuous and immediate.Often, within a short time, behavior can be modified to reduce or eliminate calling out, fidgeting, impulsivity and so on, while improving time-on-task, focus, comprehension and more.The Play Attention Learning System guides the user through a series of video game exercises that are controlled only by the user's mind!

By working toward being in a relaxed, attentive state, the user moves and controls a series of characters and objects to improve:

Time on Task
Needed for better comprehension and concentration, this is the ability to start and complete an assignment within a given amount of time.

Visual Tracking
Which promotes better focus on a topic or subject, such as a teacher or someone talking to you. Visual Tracking is the ability to follow a moving object with focused attention.

Short Term Memory Sequencing
Helps with multi-tasking and assists in teaching the user to follow multiple step directions.

Discriminatory Processing
Reduces the effects of distraction at home, school, and the workplace.

Bring your life into focus.
The sensors in the helmet monitor the functions related to focus and attentiveness, so the user can see in real time how they are progressing. If he begins to fidget or lose focus, it is immediately detected and alters the results of the games.

Professional athletes, artists and musicians aren't born. They must practice their craft until they reach a level that is constant and consistent. The Play Attention Learning System encourages practice of key cognitive and attention skills that, in a relatively short amount of time, retrains the brain how to think more clearly, more attentively and with more focus.

For more informations:

Please Call For a Free Consultation & Demo
Home System Set Available For Purchase. Enquiry / Pricing Hp:91067837

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